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Procurement Policy – Major Research Project! Hudson Procurement Group is currently undergoing a major research project into how businesses supply government and publicly funded bodies, in a bid to create an open, fair and transparent process by anyone spending public purse. As part of our long-term growth strategy, we will...


Procurement training platform, Tender VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) will launch next week on 1st June 2018! This is an ideal platfrom to use if you are new to tendering or struggling to secure Research Contracts.  We have spoken about this new project in many of our recent blogs – but...

Tendering for Research Contracts Doesn’t Need To Be Complicated!

Tendering for Research Contracts doesn’t need to be complicated We’ll repeat … TENDERING FOR RESEARCH CONTRACTS DOES NOT NEED TO BE COMPLICATED! There are many factors to why people assume tendering is overly-complicated. This is usually down to the amount of time it takes to complete and how mundane the...


PQQ is something you’ll hear most often in the tendering and procurement world. The term can take many forms including SQ (Selection Questionnaire), Stage 1 Tender and the recently established ESPD (European Single Procurement Document). PQQ stands for Pre-qualification questionnaire and it does exactly what it says on the tin!...

Why Choose Hudson Procurement Group?

Why Choose Hudson Procurement Group? Who are Hudson Procurement Group? What do you do exactly? How does it all work? Why should I choose you? Although these questions are being asked less and less due to our growing presence online and current position in the procurement sector, we still want to show...

Small Businesses, sick of the Government taking money from you? It’s time to turn the tables….

Small businesses, sick of the Government taking money from you? It’s time to turn the tables…. So, we are almost half way through 2017 and everybody, especially small to medium business owners, are struggling to keep up with government decisions and how politics has destabilised their playing field with Brexit,...

Book A Demo Today With Research Tenders!

Book a demo today and tour our exclusive Research Tenders member site! Here at Research Tenders, our Business Development Team is second to none. We understand that buying into a subscription for a product you aren’t entirely sure of can be daunting and want to make sure you are as confident...

Top Five Reasons For Tendering for Research Contracts

Tendering for Research Contracts Reasons to bid for research contracts  broken down by our in-house experts! We’re often told by companies that we work with that they don’t tender as it takes too long, they’re never successful, they don’t have the time…etc. etc. Tendering for research contracts is a powerful...